Dr. Joshua Dick D.C. C.C.E.P.

Dr. Joshua Dick always knew he wanted to work in the healthcare field but wasn’t sure what specialty. While completing his undergraduate degree, he met Dr. Buck, a chiropractor. Over a few months they developed a friendship and Dr. Josh became interested in chiropractic. It was around this time that Dr. Josh hurt his back while working out. He went to Dr. Buck’s office, where he found out the cause of his back pain was a "subluxation" and that the way to treat the subluxation was through an adjustment to the spine. Dr. Josh was amazed at how fast and effective Dr. Buck was at relieving the pain. He also learned that he was needlessly overloading his low back and that he needed to modify some of his workouts. That was when the light came on and Dr. Josh decided that he was going to chiropractic school.
Fast forward 6 years and many many hours studying; and Dr. Josh graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College. While finishing his Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Josh also enrolled in a postgraduate program on extremity adjusting. Dr. Josh is one of only five chiropractors in the entire state certified in extremity adjusting by the Council on Extremity Adjusting. He has worked on everything from sprained ankles to carpal tunnel type symptoms.
Dr. Josh has participated in sports his entire life. Dr. Josh combined his love for sports and his knowledge to setup a wellness adjusting program with the Circleville High School football team. He attended practice 2-3 per week and was the team doctor for both the varsity and junior varsity football teams. In addition, Dr. Josh still holds his personal training certification through NESTA and is always available to help you with your exercise and fitness goals.
Fast forward 6 years and many many hours studying; and Dr. Josh graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College. While finishing his Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Josh also enrolled in a postgraduate program on extremity adjusting. Dr. Josh is one of only five chiropractors in the entire state certified in extremity adjusting by the Council on Extremity Adjusting. He has worked on everything from sprained ankles to carpal tunnel type symptoms.
Dr. Josh has participated in sports his entire life. Dr. Josh combined his love for sports and his knowledge to setup a wellness adjusting program with the Circleville High School football team. He attended practice 2-3 per week and was the team doctor for both the varsity and junior varsity football teams. In addition, Dr. Josh still holds his personal training certification through NESTA and is always available to help you with your exercise and fitness goals.